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OBS Mission Report 5/7/24

Olive Branch Strategic makes a deployment to Israel in response to the Hamas terrorist attacks

The first half of 2024 has been eventful for the OBS team to say the least. For those of you who were with us for our end-of-the-year report back in December, you will recall that our team was contacted in November of 2023 regarding a deployment to Israel in response to the Hamas terrorist attacks that took place on October 7th. After several weeks of logistical planning and developing response packages, an OBS team deployed to Israel on January 11th this year.

Our team landed in Tel Aviv on January 12th and by that evening had established our base of operations for the remainder of our deployment in the Old City of Jerusalem. Our priorities of work focused primarily on security consulting for several Christian ministries that operate throughout the country, as well as providing our civilian terrorist threat response and tactical medical course for several international missionaries and volunteers. OBS also had the privilege to serve the Anglican International School of Jerusalem (AISJ) by providing some of their teachers with life-saving medical training and enhancing their school’s security protocols. Throughout our 10-day deployment, OBS was able to deploy on 9 different missions, all of which had an immediate impact on those Christian ministries mentioned as well as the Jewish communities they serve.

OBS would like to give a special thanks to Scott Morgan with CMJ-Israel for being the most incredible host and educating us on the unique and beautiful culture of the Israeli people. OBS would also like to thank Peter Fast with Bridges For Peace and his team, as well as Barry Denison and ICEJ. We are truly grateful and honored to have had the opportunity to serve your ministries. We look forward to partnering with you in the future.

The October 7th attacks of course prompted an immediate military response from the nation of Israel, a response that continues to the present day as tensions in the region continue to rise, and the threat of a larger conflict ever present. In light of the successes and impact made on our first deployment, OBS has been asked to return. So in late summer of this year, OBS will once again be deploying to Israel in support of our partners and the Israeli people. With a new deployment come new challenges, both logistically and monetarily. But as God provided before, we believe that He will provide again. So over the coming weeks and months, we ask that you would prayerfully consider supporting our next deployment as we look to bring a similar package of aid and support.

As always, none of this would be possible without your prayers. Thank you for believing in this mission, as well as our shared passion for proclaiming Christ. If you had told our team 2 years ago that our desire to use our gifts for the glory of God would bring us to the Holy Land, we wouldn’t have believed you. But that is exactly how God works, isn’t it? He uses the unqualified and the unsuspecting. A special thanks again to our church partners, Launchpoint Church and Madison Creek Baptist Church, as well as ALL our financial partners and donors. Your obedience to the Lord is vital to the continued success of this ministry. As always—make our mission your mission.


Corey Mullins


Olive Branch Strategic

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